Your Opportunity - If You Will Ask Him

Have you ever wondered how God might want to use you to further His Kingdom? Is it possible that He might want you to serve Him at work, or school, or even in your neighborhood? I often talk to people who want to serve the Lord but they don’t know how to do so outside of the church.

When I first became a Christian, I thought the only way to serve the Lord was at church or in a mission organization. It never even occurred to me that I could serve God where I worked, or in the community in which I lived. Then one day I was having lunch with my pastor and he asked me the strangest question: “How are you serving God at work? What kind of ministry do you have at U.P.S.?” I really didn’t know how to respond. That day my pastor helped me understand that God wanted to use every aspect of my life to further His Kingdom. And he gave me some great advice, “Grow and bloom where God has you.”

Over the years, I have learned that God intentionally plants His people in places where they can grow and serve Him. It is God’s desire that we, His people, stand out and make Him visible to those around us, whether at work, school, home or even the grocery store. The reality is God has a unique ministry for each of us. He wants to work through us and He promises to supply all the power and strength we need. All He asks is that you make whatever you have available to Him. And if you are willing to do that, He will take it from there and the adventure of a lifetime will begin. Click here to read more...